

Saturday, September 25, 2010


After the death of Vtes, I thought that VtM now would soon perish for ever. But today I read at Manituan's blogg that CCP is not making the WoD:MMO with the WOD 2.0 rules. But with Vampire:tM instead! That is great news. If this game becomes a success, White Wolf should consider making new cards. Let's face it, WoW is producing a card game. Sure, it did not go as good as they hoped, but Vtes already has a big fan base already. Let's hope, in 2012/13 we get an announcement about a 4ed Vtes set based on the WOD:MMO!


After the death of Vtes, I thought that VtM now would soon perish for ever. But today I read at Manituan's blogg that CCP is not making the WoD:MMO with the WOD 2.0 rules. But with Vampire:tM instead! That is great news. If this game becomes a success, White Wolf should consider making new cards. Let's face it, WoW is producing a card game. Sure, it did not go as good as they hoped, but Vtes already has a big fan base already. Let's hope, in 2012/13 we get an announcement about a 4ed Vtes set based on the WOD:MMO!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


V:tes is dead! There har been talk about this a long time, but now it's official. It's a sad day. I hope that, when this day would come, WW whould release a final set to tie thing together. But I guess their not.
Even though the game is dead. It will still live on. It's such a big part of my life, and bunch of other player's lives. It will continue. But eventually it will be harder to gather enough players for a game.

Thanks to everybody that has been apart of this game. And a bigger thanks to anyone that will continue to play this game.

"Just remember that death is not the End"
-Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds with PJ Harvey & Kylie Minogue.